How To Use Dental Floss When You're Cooking

Alessandra Bulow

Dental floss isn’t only for after a meal! Believe it or not, you can also use unwaxed, non-flavored floss to help make delicious dishes — anything from juicy roast chicken to this over-the-top Fresh Coconut Layer Cake (above). Check out these five cool ways use it in the kitchen (and don’t forget to floss after you eat these treats).

Dental Floss Tip #1: Make Layer Cake 
Position floss equally around the cake, hold tightly with both hands, then pull for perfectly even slices

Dental Floss Use #2: Tie Up Rolled Meat 
Try it with stuffed pork tenderloin or even with the braciole roll-ups in your perfect Sunday sauce.

Dental Floss Tip #3: Detach Sticky Cookies
Shimmy floss under each cookie to release it from the baking sheet or wire without losing the bottom crust.

Dental Floss Tip #4: Slice Soft Cheese 
Make perfect rounds of no-stick goat cheese instead of using a knife or buying an expensive cheesewire.

Dental Floss Tip #5: Truss Poultry 
Unflavored floss can be used instead of twine to truss chicken and turkey so the birds cook evenly. Trussing it also makes for a more beautiful roasted bird.

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