How Many Steps It Takes to Burn Off 13 of Your Favorite Foods

By: Anthony Schneck

Credit: Nina Gonzales/Thrillist

As Albert Einstein definitely said, “For every cheeseburger ingested, an equal and opposite cheeseburger must occur somewhere.” What Einstein knew intuitively was that diet matters; what goes in must go out, or else it will turn into love handles. That’s just science.

So we decided to look at the number of calories in 13 commonly consumed foods and drinks, and evaluate how many steps (and miles) it would take to walk off those calories. We used an average of 2,000 steps for a mile, and about 89 calories burned per mile walked. No, these are not perfect measurements; yes, these estimates will depend on your height, weight, gender, atmospheric conditions, etc.

Next time you’re thinking of grabbing an on-the-go meal, better make sure your boots were made for walking.

More: 9 Alarmingly Caloric Foods You Never Would’ve Expected

Credit: Nina Gonzales/Thrillist

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Credit: Nina Gonzales/Thrillist

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Credit: Nina Gonzales/Thrillist

Credit: Nina Gonzales/Thrillist

Credit: Nina Gonzales/Thrillist

Credit: Nina Gonzales/Thrillist

Credit: Nina Gonzales/Thrillist

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