French Cafe Adds Surcharge for Rudeness


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French waiters, who some Americans think of as quite snooty, have turned the stereotype on its head. At a café in Nice, being rude will cost you—literally.

"I know people say that French service can be rude, but it’s also true that customers can be rude when they’re busy,” Petite Syrah café owner Fabrice Pepino told French newspaper “The Local.” Observing stressed-out lunchtime patrons who left their manners back at the office, Pepino instituted a manners-based price structure.

Walking into Petite Syrah and demanding “a coffee” will cost you a whopping $9.65 (a staggering amount, even for France!). Add “s’il vous plait” and your caffeine jolt cost drops to $5.80. But offer your waiter a “hello” and a please, and you’re in reasonable territory, about $1.93.

We know just how grumpy the undercaffeinated and underfed can be, but we’d be very curious to see how American diners would react to such a pricing scheme (ahem, litigiously, ahem).

[via Eater]