Egg Roll Hamantashen From 'Kosher in the Kitch'

For the Jewish festival of Purim, Kosher in the Kitch blogger Nina Safar likes to shake things up. Below, she shares a savory twist on the holiday’s classic dessert, hamantashen.


Photo: Nina Safar

Egg Roll Hamantashen
Makes about 20 hamantashen

2 tablespoons oil
3 cups coleslaw mix
1 teaspoon sherry wine
3 teaspoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon corn starch mixed with 2 tablespoon water
1-inch piece of ginger shredded
Egg roll wrappers
2 green onions diced, for serving
Sweet chili sauce or duck sauce, to serve

Heat oil in pan, then stir in coleslaw mix. Add sherry and soy sauce, and mix well. Add corn starch mixture and stir together. Add ginger and combine together. Set aside.

Using a mason jar, cut out circles in egg roll wrappers. Place a heaping teaspoon of batter in center of circle, then using water, wet the corners and pinch together, creating a triangle shape. Place on greased baking sheet.

Cook at 350° F for about 12 minutes until crispy. Dress with green onions, and serve with sweet chili sauce or duck sauce.

More hamantashen recipes from ‘Kosher in the Kitch’:

"Pop tart" hamantashen drizzled with frosting and sprinkles

Sweet-and-salty chocolate hamantashen topped with pretzels

Have you ever made hamantashen? Tell us about it in our comments section!