Coffee Snob Fooled by Blind Taste Test

Are you the sort of person who thinks all this coffee hype is overblown? That diner coffee and the Café Bustelo you snagged at the deli might not be single-varietal but it sure does the trick of keeping you upright?

Well, here’s validation, if you were looking for some. In BuzzFeed’s blind taste test of one type of coffee bean, brewed five different ways (Chemex, clever dripper, French press, pour-over, and good old drip Mr. Coffee), one self-pronounced snob is completely fooled.

And probably can’t show his face in the break room without shame any time soon.

Addicted to coffee? Feeling jittery? Right there with you: 

The best way to make pour-over

Is coffee good for you? 

9 confessions of a coffee snob

Are you a coffee junkie? How many cups per day? How do you brew it?