Superstar Aussie Chef and Foodie Hearthrob Curtis Stone: 'I Yahoo'd Myself'

Fathers—even if they are famous chefs—are sometimes too busy to make it to the grocery store. That’s how Curtis Stone came up with the Peanut Butter, Jam, and Banana Burrito To Go recipe in his new cookbook Good Food, Good Life. “I started sort of playing around with how you make super-quick simple snacks with stuff that you already have in your pantry,” he told Yahoo contributing editor Nick Axelrod in the video above. A tight schedule can also lead to the development of new, time-saving skills; in Stone’s case, that’s changing a diaper with one hand.

Stone is the author of six cookbooks, the chef-owner of Maude restaurant in Beverly Hills, host of Food Network’s Kitchen Inferno, Top Chef regular, and a columnist for O, The Oprah Magazine. But the label he wears most proudly is “Dad.” He dedicated Good Food, Good Life to one of his sons, writing: “I would like to dedicate this book to my son and chief recipe taster, Hudson. In only three years you have taught me so much about food and life. Thanks, mate.” Watch the video for more from this chef-writer-celebrity-dad.

More on Yahoo Food favorite Curtis Stone:

Find out why his new book is our Cookbook of the Week

Get his lemongrass chicken wings recipe

Stone’s favorite potato salad

Stone’s seafood stew with cream and fennel