Any-Way-You-Want-It Spaghetti Is Our Favorite Summer Pasta

By Impatient Foodie

As the founder and writer of Impatient Foodie, a food blog that navigates her desire to eat “good” food (delicious, healthy, and responsibly sourced) while balancing her severe impatience and goldfish-like attention span, Elettra Wiedemann shares recipes she has created and/or tested herself that impatient cooks all over the world can easily (and quickly!) re-create.


This is a pasta dish my mom made for me and one that her father made for her. I find that one package of spaghetti is good for five people — if the spaghetti is part of a bigger meal. If it’s the only course, I recommend one package for three hungry people.

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1 package of spaghetti
1 cup finely chopped basil
1 cup finely chopped parsley
1 cup of chives
¼ cup finely chopped sage
½ cup finely chopped mint
¼ cup finely chopped oregano
Zest from a whole lemon
½ – ¾ cup of extra virgin olive oil
Generous handful of Grana Parmigiano (and more if you want!)
Salt to taste
Garlic (optional)

1. Chop up all the herbs finely and place together in a large bowl.
2. Cook and drain pasta well. Add to the bowl with herbs.
3. Add olive oil and the lemon zest. Toss together well.
4. Add salt to taste and handful of Parmigiano before serving.

This dish is not really about exact measurements…it’s more from the heart and how you like it. For example, are you a basil person or an oregano person? (I’m a basil person and don’t go crazy for oregano, so I adjust accordingly). There is no “right” or “wrong” with this: It’s your heart’s desire! Report back with what worked for you!

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