Why Marzipan Matters

By Gabriella Vigoreaux


For the past few weeks, I have been casually suggesting incorporating marzipan into some of our holiday recipes only to be greeted by big fat “Ewwws” from the entire Epi staff. I guess I’m the only marzipan lover around here and it’s up to me alone to defend my favorite confection. It seems like too big a job to do by myself, so I enlisted my friend, favorite food bloggers, and marzipan genius Molly Yeh to help a sista out


I’ve heard all your arguments about marzipan. It’s cloying, it’s gritty, it smells like a grandma. I get it, I really do. In fact, my grandmother Monsarrate Olazagasti turned me onto the stuff. I am convinced that you are probably just not eating the right marzipan. There are the pre-made marzipan fruits, which aren’t much fun to play with. There’s the kind that comes in a tube, which generally has a too-firm texture and a disappointing taste. Then there is the European kind with a higher percentage of real almonds and comes in sealed packages. THAT is the stuff of which dreams are made. Not convinced yet? Keep reading.

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1. You are never too old for edible critters. My colleague Adina told me yesterday that she never wants to see critters on her cake. I don’t understand. If my birthday cake had a ring of marzipan ponies, my life would be complete.

2. You can make pretty things. Marzipan is like Play-Doh for adults that you get to eat. You can color it and use it to decorate cakes the same way you would with fondant, only marzipan tastes way better.

3. It smells divine. If you could capture the essence of warm almond croissants and bottle it, that’s what marzipan smells like. I want to bathe in it, and luckily I can.

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4. You can bake with it. You know what’s awesome? Biting into some warm doughy thing only to find a secret pocket of delicious almondy goodness.

5. Marzipan is practically a superfood. Do I have to spell this one out? Almonds = protein, guys.

6. Marzipan is classy. That’s why princess cakes are made from it and that’s why the Nutcracker has an entire Marzipan suite.

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photo: Diane Fields