9 Ways People Enjoy Ice Cream Around the World

This week, Yahoo Food is celebrating America’s favorite dessert with a series of profiles, recipes and photo galleries all dedicated to the creamy, delicious dessert. Check out our Ice Cream page for complete coverage!

You scream, I scream, almost the entire globe screams for ice cream in its many forms.

Whether it’s portable mochi ice cream from Japan or creamy kulfi from India, touring the world of ice cream can be pretty sweet.

There are multi-continental roots to the history of ice cream. Frozen mixtures of milk and rice were made in China starting as early as 200 B.C. and frozen mixtures of a slushy syrup and chewy noodles appeared even earlier in the Persian empire in 400 B.C.

The first recipes for ice cream started appearing in the 1700s in England, and Quaker immigrants first brought the frozen treat to the United States. Over the years, through innovations like soft serve, frozen custard, and thick pints chocked full of toppings, it has become America’s favorite dessert.

But that doesn’t mean the United States has the monopoly on delicious frozen desserts. Go global with these sweet treats from around the world.

More ice cream stories to love on Yahoo Food:

25 Crazy Ice Cream Flavors You Need to Taste to Believe

25 Fruity, Sweet, and Creamy Desserts to Make This Summer

5 Frozen Treats That Aren’t Ice Cream Cones