9 Unforgettable Celebrity Food Disasters

By Elletra Wiedemann & Zoe Bain

There is nothing more rewarding than preparing the perfect home-cooked meal, especially when you get to show it off to friends and family. But when it goes wrong, it has a tendency to go HORRIBLY wrong, and it’s totally humiliating (not to mention frustrating).

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Everyone has some kind of kitchen nightmare story to share. So much so, that food fails have seeped into our national consciousness, and they come out in the form pop-culture catharsis, a.k.a. scenes from our favorite movies. Here are 20 times movies totally nailed our kitchen disasters, made us relive the panic of our own culinary catastrophes, and reminded us that everyone has been there.

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Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)
Cooking a homemade meal is tough enough without having to deal with new, spacial concerns brought on by fake breasts (or real ones).

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Clueless (1995)
Oh, the perils of trying to impress a date with your cooking. We’ve all been (and failed) there.

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Sleeping Beauty (1959)
How many times have you labored FOR HOURS over some kind of baked good, only to have it turn out looking like this?

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Ratatouille (2007)
Cooking under pressure is never a good idea. Especially when you haven’t met the tiny rodent chef that’s going to save the day just yet.


Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)
Um, well, when our pressure cooker explodes in our faces, we’re not quite so put-together as Audrey Hepburn… But nice to know she thinks those things are damn temperamental too!


Mulan (1998)
In Mulan’s defense, the matchmaker just says, “pour the tea” — she doesn’t specify that it has to go in the cup!

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Dumb and Dumber (1994)
Pro tip from Lloyd and Harry: Next time you get dared to eat a really spicy pepper, just squirt the closest condiment into your mouth until the pain subsides.


Bridesmaids (2011)
Kristen Wiig’s character learns the hard way that if you’re going to choose something to destroy for emphasis while you’re having a temper tantrum, a giant cookie is actually way harder to take down than you might think.


The Family Stone (2005)
After spending a little too much time with one’s in-laws, it is probably best to stay out of the kitchen altogether.

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