This "Million Dollar Company" Told Employees No Call-Offs Will Be Accepted, And People Are Rightfully Dragging Them

In recent time, the US saw its highest "quit rate" in 20 years, which led the Pew Research Center to survey workers about all the reasons why they're up and quitting their jobs. Unsurprisingly to many, the top two reasons included low pay and no opportunities for advancement. And the third reason? Feeling disrespected at work.

Hands writing I Quit on a sheet of paper
Simplehappyart / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Yup, 57% of responders said being disrespected was among their main reasons for quitting. And right after that, dealing with childcare issues and struggling with a lack of flexibility when it comes to hours were close in line.

Exhausted worker sitting in office
Nadia_bormotova / Getty Images/iStockphoto

So, when one tired employee shared a rather tasteless memo posted on the wall in their workplace with the same themes, the image instantly went viral.

Before humble bragging about being a "million dollar company," managers told workers there will be "NO" call offs on Christmas Eve or the day before. This may, at first, seem rational, as that can be a busy time, but then you keep reading.

arrows pointing to the different "excuses" they will not be hearing for call offs

"No babysitter?" the memo poses. "Find one."

This is followed up by equally harsh messaging like:

"Child sick, buy some medicine."

"You['re] sick, buy some medicine."

And, "Car trouble, call an Uber."

After going viral, the memo left a bad taste in many people's mouths. They felt as though the company was showing a refusal to be understanding in case of emergencies...

...and that the company was openly admitting to harboring an unsafe work environment for the sake of money.

The "million dollar" brag didn't sit well either. Some commenters pushed the monetary evaluation back at them and pointed out that management should be able to hire temps or backups in the case that someone would need to call out.

Likewise, a few people even poked fun at all the grammatical errors in the memo, which is not very "million dollar company-like."

In all seriousness, though, the post reminded some of their previous (and current) jobs where treatment was/is comparable. One commenter shared that they got a fever on Christmas Eve and their boss "threatened to doc my pay without a Dr.'s note despite the fact that I had my 40 hours in for the week."

The only option, people concluded, is to leave if you're able, and seek out more reasonable employers.

Have you ever experienced an unreasonable boss? If you're comfortable sharing, tell us about it in the comments.