Woman's tea concoction is an absolute abomination

TikTok’s mission statement is to “to capture and present the world’s creativity, knowledge and precious life moments". It’s a nice idea in theory, but one woman has proven maybe we don’t need to capture and present everyone’s idea of creativity. Michelle, who goes by jchelle36 on TikTok, posted what started off as an innocent video on April 3. Michelle’s social media platforms advertise that she’s an American living in England. SO SHE EXPLAINED WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO BE “THIS AMERICAN” GIRL THAT LIKES TO DRINK TEA . Strike one is when Michelle pulls out a container of Lipton Ice Tea Mix. then horror unfolds as Michelle films her daughter adding two cups of tang to the bowl with one cup of Lipton mix. following by an unspecified amount of Country Time Lemonade powder. three ingredients in, Michelle’s tea is at least 253 grams of sugar — one and a fourth cups. After that, it’s two cups of sugar, “a little bit” of cinnamon and “a little bit” of cloves. Instead of boiling water — because why would any part of this process start making sense at this point — Michelle microwaves a mug of water and then spoons in the mixture. Unsurprisingly, people were wildly unimpressed and vaguely concerned for the state of Michelle’s teeth