Woman shares boyfriend's credit card information online after nasty break-up

In the age of the internet, messy breakups often unravel online for all of the world to see — and things can get pretty ugly. That’s precisely what happened after one unidentified woman was broken up with and ghosted by her ex. “Well my boyfriend broke up w me and has been ghosting me for weeks now so have fun and buy yourself something cute,” the scorned woman wrote. Attached to the tweet is what appears to be the woman’s ex’s name, credit card number, CVV and expiration date. On Reddit, the screenshot of the spiteful tweet received nearly 10,000 upvotes in just 8 hours in the r/trashy subreddit. In the comments, many people called out the “spiteful and destructive” ex for her “illegal” act of revenge. “I’ll never be able to wrap my head around people who get mad after a breakup and do things that’ll put them behind bars lmao,” one user added. According to the Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute, fraudulent use of a credit card is punishable by up to 10 years in jail and/or a fine of up to $10,000