Woman Loses Leg, Arm Falling Into Subway

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From Cosmopolitan

Well, this is horrific.

The New York Daily News reports on Sophie Yu, a 25-year-old New York woman who was struck by a subway train on Wednesday. In the incident, she lost her right leg and arm.

Yu was waiting for southbound 6 train at Lexington Avenue and East 51st Street station when she fainted and fell onto tracks. The driver of the incoming subway train saw her fall and immediately hit the brakes, but couldn't stop in time and she was hit.

She was rescued by EMTs and transported to Bellevue Hospital where she remains in critical condition. She apparently regained consciousness and was alert as rescue workers pulled her from beneath the train.

Yu's parents are arriving from China soon, and friends say they're (obviously) upset.

“Her family is devastated,” said a friend. “There’s a lot of stuff they need to figure out right now ... She’s going to have a lot to go through.”

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