Why 2 'Survivor' Castaways Decided To Quit Halfway Through the Season

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Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images

From Men's Health

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Survivor: Edge of Extinction

Wednesday night's episode of Survivor saw Jeff Probst finally telling the remaining castaways what the viewers already knew-that the six players that had been eliminated in previous episodes hadn't actually gone home, but had instead been biding their time on Extinction Island. These six contestants (Aubry, Chris, Keith, Reem, Rick, and Wendy) were then given a chance to fight their way back into the game, with Rick winning the challenge.

The five remaining Extinction residents were ready to say their goodbyes again and head home, but then Probst threw out another curveball: They would get to go back to Extinction Island for another chance to re-enter the game. All five initially headed back to their isolated island home, but soon after that, Wendy and Keith decided to quit the game and head home for real. They raised the white flag, and a boat took them away.

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Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, both Wendy and Keith said their decision to quit wasn't really quitting at all.

"The Edge and the game are two completely different dimensions. The Edge is abstract. It's too simplistic to see it as quitting or not quitting. Everyone has something different to gain from it," Keith said. "The best way I can explain it is that your experience is your story, and when you are voted out, your story can come to a sudden halt at the hands of others. The Edge puts the pen back in your hand to finish the story your way. In mine, I proved all I needed to myself, broke the limits I needed to and my story was complete. The Edge did what it needed to for me."

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Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images

Wendy added, "I already knew that my adventure had been completed. I had nothing left to prove to anyone and had played the game I always dreamed of playing with zero regrets."


Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images
Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images

However, they admit that if they had known that they were going to be part of the jury (another twist), they might have chosen to stay.

Wendy said, "[We] did not know if we were to have stayed we could have been part of the jury, but I would have definitely stayed because the elements and the hunger didn't affect me in any way. What was difficult for me was the boredom. Up to that point, the players on the Edge had explained to me that they had absolutely nothing to do and me, being as hyperactive as I am, I would have either gone insane or been tied up by my fellow castaways!"

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