
Vehicle Cloning On The Rise In Florida

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Learn about this disturbing crime trend…

We’ve learned from a recent report out of Cape Coral, Florida the problem of vehicle cloning is on the rise in the United States. Also called vehicle rebirthing, we’ve been watching this crime trend as it’s spread from Australia and New Zealand, sounding the alarm that it would become more common in the United States for some time now. Unfortunately, we were right and now everyone needs to remain vigilant, or they can fall in criminals’ traps.

Learn how car thieves are using wildlife cameras to target you here.

A cloned car has been re-vinned, obscuring the fact it’s stolen. While we’re aware this practice has been around for as long as VIN tags have been used on vehicles, these vehicle cloning operations are organized and large, instead of a dishonest person here and there. That means more victims suffer from the crime.