Twitter Users Are Sure Melania Trump Looked Terrified Meeting Putin And TBH Wouldn’t You?


President Trump and his wife Melania recently met with President Vladimir Putin at a summit in Helsinki. And whilst there is much serious news to emerge from Donald and Vlad’s meeting, as well as the fall-out of Trump's ‘misspoken’ words concerning Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, let’s focus on Melania instead, shall we?

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

In her endless meme-able capability, Twitter has leapt on Melania’s expression after briefly meeting Putin.

New footage shows the mother of Barron smiling whilst greeting the Russian President, only for a startled look to replace it seconds later.



If we cast out mind back to Trump’s inauguration, Melania became front page news as footage saw her face drop after grinning at her husband.

The internet has since been rife with #FreeMelania messages and was only strengthened when video footage emerged of her apparently swatting her husband's hand away.

Twitter users have shared the new Putin clip just as eagerly, some in sympathy of the 48 year-old American-Slovenian, and others in mirth.

On the one hand she could totally just be rearranging her face for the upcoming photograph. Whilst on the other, we totally understand why looking into Putin’s eyes might be scary...

Is she captive or is she complicit? And so the mystery of Melania continues...

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