Tomi Lahren wants people to give Trump credit' for eating fast food even though he’s rich

On Wednesday’s Fox & Friends, contributor and conservative commentator Tomi Lahren made a case for why President Trump should get more praise for the fast-food dinner he hosted at the White House to honor the Clemson University football team’s College Football National Championship win.

“Donald Trump eats this kind of food himself, so, for those always criticizing him for his wealth and his privilege, you would think that they’d give him credit for eating inexpensive meals like much of the rest of the country,” Lahren said. “But, they can’t give this president credit for anything.”

To help make the case for giving Trump more credit, Lahren and Fox & Friends pointed to President Barack Obama and occasional trips he made to fast-food restaurants through the years.

“It’s important to note, if President Obama did this, he would be considered hip and accessible,” Lahren said.

Much of the criticism for President Trump actually came after a tweet where he misrepresented the number of burgers given out, mentioned that he paid for it and initially misspelled hamburgers as “hamberders.” (The tweet was later corrected.)

“The Trump-deranged crowd will really attack this president over anything, even Big Macs and pizza, because they are that petty and they are that pathetic,” Lahren said.

But the Fox Nation host said that this discussion about fast food is really just a distraction from the current government shutdown, despite Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade pointing out that polls show the public blames Trump more than the Democrats for what’s happening.

“Guys, this has nothing to do with fast food and everything to do with the fact that this president is winning the argument on the shutdown and the border wall,” Lahren said. “And they have to deflect as something as stupid as fast food to attack the guy.”

Fox & Friends airs daily at 6 a.m. on Fox News.

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