Taylor Swift Was Deadpool for Halloween

From Cosmopolitan

On Monday, Taylor spent Halloween all dressed up as Deadpool with select members of her squad, including Gigi Hadid the cub scout, Martha Hunt (Marcia Brady), and Camila Cabello the granny with a lost cat named Meredith. (Let’s be real here, Meredith was probably in another room because she’s too good for Halloween and dress-up). According to Taylor, the costume is from Ryan himself, but it’s unclear if it’s the exact same costume from the film or a replica made to fit Taylor’s measurements. Doesn’t matter though: She looks pretty cool. In addition to the Halloween festivities, the squad was also on hand to celebrate Kennedy Rayé’s birthday. Squad photos were taken on a leather couch:

There were selfies, of course:

The squad also spent some time in the most beautiful bathtub I’ve ever seen.

They also sang Happy Birthday to Kennedy. Here’s a cute Snapchat video from space cadet Lily Donaldson’s feed:

According to eagle-eyed fans, Blake Lively left a nice comment on one of Taylor’s photos.

Ryan Reynolds has yet to comment on Taylor’s Deadpool look, but maybe he can lend it to Zayn (via Gigi) next? Remember how they had a cute little exchange on Twitter about the film back in April and it ended in Zayn requesting to borrow the costume? Make it happen, you guys.

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