
  • NewsSuperfan

    Ralph Fiennes Says Russians Don't Like the Daniel Craig Bond Movies

    When Daniel Craig took over as James Bond, a lot of people were pleased with the series' new direction. But Ralph Fiennes says one part of the world definitely wasn’t: Russia.

  • NewsYahoo Movies UK

    See The James Bond Gadgets That Weren't Used In SPECTRE (Exclusive)

    From jet packs to exploding pens, James Bond has historically enjoyed a plethora of gadgets to get him in and out of spy scrapes. In more recent years Daniel Craig and Sam Mendes have settled on a more realistic approach that sees Bond get by with a simple pistol. ‘SPECTRE’ saw a return to gadgetry with the tricked out Aston Martin whose flamethrower helped Bond escape from evil henchman Mr. Hinx.

  • NewsMarcus Errico

    James Bond Déjà Vu: Cataloging All the Callbacks in 'SPECTRE' (Spoilers!)

    Daniel Craig as James Bond in ‘SPECTRE’ (Sony) The James Bond universe is built on self-referential winks. From the traditional opening-credits to the theme song, from the “Bond, James Bond” introductions to the bottomless martinis “shaken, not stirred,” you know each movie is going to be packed with callbacks and links to previous installments. SPECTRE is no different — in fact, the new release, the 24th in the official canon, might be the most recursive 007 flick yet. It’s all right there in t

  • NewsSuperfan

    Sam Smith Nailed ‘Spectre’ Song on First Try

    Sam Smith was on Ellen Friday and talked about everything: his new house, his new song, and his new cat! He said that he was able to compose Writing’s on the Wall, his theme song for the new James Bond movie, Spectre, on his first try. But more importantly, his new cat’s name is Henry, and sort of acts like a dog sometimes! To learn more about Yahoo SuperFan, be sure to follow us on Twitter: @YahooSuperFan, Facebook, and Instagram for your daily dose of all things TV and Movies

  • NewsYahoo Movies Staff

    16 Frowny-Faced Photos of Daniel Craig on the 007 Red Carpet

    When it comes to being perpetually peeved, nobody does it better than Daniel Craig. The 47-year-old actor has been playing James Bond for nearly a decade now, resulting in two very good movies (Casino Royale and Skyfall), one really bad one (Quantum of Solace), and this week’s Spectre, which has drawn mixed reviews, and resulted in several cantankerous interviews with its star, who often looks like he’d rather be drinking a herring-guts milkshake than promoting a movie. (Even Sir Crankypants him

  • NewsSuperfan

    Meet the New Bond Girls From ‘Spectre’

    For starters, Monica Bellucci is on more of the mature side of what we typically see from the role. Bellucci knew early on that her role would be something special, saying, “When I met [director] Sam Mendes, he told me he was looking for an adult woman. So we see a mature woman for the first time close to James Bond, and I think it’s a beautiful message for women and for actresses.” Believe it or not, Léa Seydoux is the first blond woman to take the female lead, similar to how Daniel Craig ser

  • NewsSuperfan

    Colbert Rents Car to Reckless Driver James Bond

    On The Late Show, Stephen Colbert and Daniel Craig looked into a very serious question: If James Bond keeps driving so recklessly, who keeps giving him all these cars? They turned to sketch comedy to find the answer and showed that when it comes to the mundane process of renting a car, the struggle is real. Really real. Even for Bond.

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