
  • NewsSuperfan Movies

    Before You See 'Alien: Covenant' Here's a Quick Recap of 'Prometheus'

    Alien: Covenant is now in theaters. Two scientists, Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green), on an expedition to Scotland in the not-too-distant future, find evidence of an advanced alien species that they to calling “Engineers.” They theorize that aliens might’ve created humanity. Shaw and Holloway are subsequently hired by Peter Weyland (Guy Pearce aged with a lot of makeup) to explore a planet they believe to be the home of the Engineers.

  • NewsSuperfan TV

    Michael Fassbender Does the Worm for Jessica Chastain

    Michael Fassbender said he would have loved for his Prometheus character, David, a sophisticated android, to have ended the film doing the robot.

  • NewsSuperfan Movies

    'Passengers' Co-Star Michael Sheen Ranks Space Robots

    One of the true highlights of Passengers is the performance given by Michael Sheen as Arthur, a robot (“android, technically”) bartender. On a big, lonely ship, Arthur’s straightforward charm is a welcome sight for sore eyes … especially if you’re awake on a long journey through space when you’re supposed to be asleep.

  • NewsYahoo Premium Partners

    First 'Alien: Covenant' Images Released

    As a part of the Alien Day celebration, the fine folks behind Ridley Scott’s confusingly titled Prometheus sequel Alien: Covenant released the first photo from the set, where production recently began.

  • NewsYahoo Premium Partners

    Ridley Scott: 'Alien: Covenant' Is First of 3 Prequels to 'Alien'

    Ridley Scott confirmed that he is planning another two Prometheus sequels to follow Alien: Covenant before the Prometheus storyline meets up with the original 1979 Alien. Alien: Covenant and the following two films will be origin stories, answering the “very basic questions posed in Alien: Why the alien, who might have made it and where did it come from?” Scott revealed at a press conference in Sydney where he is starting pre-production on Covenant, the first sequel to Prometheus.

  • NewsYahoo Movies

    Ridley Scott's 'Prometheus' Sequel Gets (Another) New Title, Synopsis

    Michael Fassbender in ‘Prometheus’ (AP Photo/20th Century Fox, Kerry Brown) By Graeme McMillan The follow-up to 2012’s Prometheus has mutated once again, with 20th Century Fox confirming Monday morning that the movie, directed by Ridley Scott, will now be titled Alien: Covenant. The title, first revealed by Scott during an appearance at the AFI Film Festival, was confirmed by Fox via Twitter this morning, accompanied by a title card for the movie (see below). The studio then released a new synop

  • NewsYahoo Movies

    ‘Alien 5′ Put on Hold as ‘Prometheus’ Sequel Moves Forward

    Logan Marshall-Green, Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender in ‘Prometheus’ (Fox) Ridley Scott, not Neill Blomkamp, will write the next chapter of the Alien franchise. He eventually got the gig from 20th Century Fox, and continued posting new art from pre-production. So I shall be working on other things… as much as I love the xeno- and Lt ripley— Иeill BlomkΛmp (@NeillBlomkamp) October 30, 2015 In an interview with Yahoo Movies last month, Scott revealed that the Prometheus sequel will feature

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