
  • NewsSuperfan TV

    Fox’s Bryan Singer-Matt Nix X-Men Series: Everything We Know So Far

    This new series will be a Fox family drama that focuses on two human parents who have to go into hiding when their children develop mutant powers.

  • NewsSuperfan TV

    If You Like Drones You’ll Love Fox’s New Show ‘APB’

    Fox’s new series "APB" stars Justin Kirk (Weeds) as Gideon Reeves, just your average billionaire genius maverick type, who, like Lady Gaga, has a bit of a thing for drones.

  • NewsYahoo TV

    ‘APB’: High-Tech Cops

    Unless your show is Knight Rider, a TV series based on technology rarely works — it needs to be built around human drama, not fancy gadgets. It stars Justin Kirk (Weeds) as Gideon Reeves, a “maverick billionaire” who funnels lots of cash into reequipping a Chicago police precinct with cutting-edge tech. Reeves bestows on Chicago a new APB app that citizens can download to send the police force its own “all-points bulletins” about crimes being committed, to quicken response time.

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