A Very Murray Christmas

  • NewsKen Tucker

    'A Very Murray Christmas' Review: Bill Murray's New Holiday Classic?

    Bill Murray is at once a logical and least-logical fellow to host a Christmas music special. On the one hand, he’s the king of faux-sentimentality, able to spoof cornball conventions by creating something funny from them. (We’ve known the musical side of this ever since his Saturday Night Live Star Wars crooning. ...

  • NewsYahoo TV

    Your TV To-Do List: Sing it Loud with Bill Murray and 'The Wiz'

    With so much to watch on TV, it can be difficult to plan ahead. But we’re here to help! Here are the five musical shows you won’t want to miss this week. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Monday, Nov. 30 at 8 p.m. on The CW Tony Award-winning musical theater veteran (and The Walking Dead badass) Tovah Feldshuh enters stage right as crazy ex-girlfriend Rebecca’s equally crazy mother, who makes the trip from New York to sunny California to check up on her daughter’s antics.

  • NewsEthan Alter

    Watch the Star-Studded Trailer for 'A Very Murray Christmas'

    Well, now we know who we want to be spending the holidays with: Billy Murray. That’s true every year, of course, but especially in 2015, because the beloved comedy icon is hosting a star-studded shindig for the ages. A just-released — and very funny — trailer for the Sophia Coppola-directed Netflix special finds Murray hobnobbing with such famous friends as Amy Poehler, Miley Cyrus, Paul Schaffer, Michael Cera and George Clooney. As if we needed more proof that Bill Murray is way, way cooler tha

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