Watch the Star-Studded Trailer for 'A Very Murray Christmas'

Well, now we know who we want to be spending the holidays with: Billy Murray. That’s true every year, of course, but especially in 2015, because the beloved comedy icon is hosting a star-studded shindig for the ages. A just-released — and very funny — trailer for the Sophia Coppola-directed Netflix special finds Murray hobnobbing with such famous friends as Amy Poehler, Miley Cyrus, Paul Schaffer, Michael Cera and George Clooney. As if we needed more proof that Bill Murray is way, way cooler than us mere mortals.

Actually, Murray is looking plenty mortal in the beginning of the trailer, when the success of his Christmas cabaret show seems very much in doubt after bad weather shuts down the airports, train stations and buses. But the show must go on, and so the actor (who has a history as a lounge lizard dating back to his beloved Saturday Night Live character, Nick the Lounge Singer) throws whoever and whatever he can at the stage, including the hotel waitstaff. “Tonight will go down as the greatest night in history,” he promises. Consider this our RSVP.

A Very Murray Christmas premieres on Dec. 4 on Netflix