The September New Moon Puts Love in the Air

Sunday, September 25 brings a new moon in Libra and the stars are aligned for romance.

Pumpkin spice latte and sweater weather offer the perfect excuse to cuddle up, which only means one thing -- it's cuffing season. While romantic partnerships usually take priority, note those bonds are not the only ones that matter. Jupiter in Aries urges us to put ourselves first in our relationships as the planet represents growth, good fortune and healing.

Presenting the perfect time to manifest something new to shake up your already strong bonds or set the tone for new connections, the beginning of the moon's cycle is ripe with hopeful energy. The new moon provides a cosmically charged environment for reflecting on your intentions for the coming weeks and crafting a plan to put them into action.

Now is the time to plant the seeds you want to harvest. C0ntinue reading for your September new moon horoscope.


Falling in your seventh house of partnership, the new moon in Libra inspires you to imitate the earth sign and take a balanced approach to matters of love and romance. With the planet of prosperity in your sign, use the night of the new moon to sit down and think about what you want out of the close bonds in your life.


Your sixth house of daily activities is your focus for the new moon. Take this cosmic cue to indulge in a night filled with self-care and revamp your everyday routine to incorporate more tasks that encourage self-love and a bit of pampering. Channel all of the love you desire and give it back to yourself.


The new moon in Libra lights up your fifth house of pleasure, encouraging you to abandon the status quo and love with your arms and heart wide open. Society puts a lot of pressure on how partnerships should function, but it's up to you to decide how you want to live your life. Harness the power of the new moon to tap into your brave and experimental side.


Shining in your fourth house of domestic life, Sunday night is the perfect opportunity to declutter your space and create a safe, cozy environment. Coinciding with the new moon in Libra's overarching theme of love, take September 25 as a sign to dive deep into what true intimacy looks like for you.


The new moon puts a spotlight on your third house of communication, giving you the go-ahead to pick up your journal and practice a bit of gratitude. As the lion of the zodiac, confidence is one thing you do not lack, so use the romantic vibe of this month's new moon to ponder the things you love about yourself and life.


Your second house of income comes into clear view as the new moon in Libra encourages you to carefully consider what holds true value to you. As the zodiac's resent perfectionist in chief, it's tempting to want to think your way out of everything, but this month's new moon will have you marrying the heart and the head.


The new moon falls in your first house of self, giving you cosmic permission to focus on yourself. Pursue a night of rest and relaxation and alone time as you are the first and last love of your life. Take the night off to fully and completely tend to your needs -- this is the time to put yourself first.


Residing in your twelfth house of the subconscious, la luna's latest cycle presents the opportunity to turn inwards and reflect on any figures or experiences from the past that are preventing you from being vulnerable and growing closer to others. A new moon is the best time to be truly honest with yourself as the dark night sky represents the shadow self. As a naturally intense sign, you are no stranger to wading uncharted waters.


The new moon sits in your eleventh house of networking, reminding you that platonic love is just as important as the stuff out of romantic comedies. Don't forget to put your time and effort into your friendships as oftentimes, your chosen family are your true soulmates.


Your 10th house of career takes center stage on September 25, pushing you to evaluate how much of your heart is in your day-to-day work. While sometimes a job is just a paycheck, it's okay to dream bigger and want to feel fulfilled during the 40-hour workweek. The new moon offers a wonderful opportunity to brainstorm a new path toward your passion.


The new moon lies in your ninth house of spirituality, which is just fate, considering how much of a progressive thinker you are. Aquarians tend to carry big dreams and lofty goals close to their hearts, so the new moon is a great time to map out how you can bring your dream life to fruition.


Positioned in your eighth house of intimacy, the new moon in Libra urges you to take off your favorite rose-colored glasses and approach your relationships with a newfound sense of honesty and clarity. As a naturally emotional sign, it's easy for you to get caught up in romance's whirlwind, but this upcoming celestial shift will help ground you.