'Saturday Night Live' #TBT: 12 Best Holiday Sketches

Photo: NBC
Photo: NBC

Ho ho ho… and ha ha ha! It doesn’t matter if you’ve been naughty or nice (or both) — everyone can enjoy Saturday Night Lives funniest holiday sketches.

Some of the show’s most memorable bits over its 40-plus years have been inspired by the season. So, count down the 12 days til Christmas with these throwback clips of the best holiday moments from SNL.

12. John Malkovich’s ’Twas the Night Before Christmas
In his opening monologue while hosting in 2008, the actor invited children up to hear the classic tale — with a very menacing Malkovichian twist. Can Santa be classified as an intruder?

11. Serial: The Christmas Surprise
This extremely accurate spoof of the popular podcast delves into the mystery that is Kris Kringle. Just how does this guy get presents to kids all around the world in one night? They’re on the case.

10. Christmas for the Jews
What’s the holiday like for those who don’t celebrate it? Apparently, it’s all Chinese food and Daily Show reruns — sign us up too!

9. You’re a Rat Bastard, Charlie Brown
This is Charlie Brown as played by Al Pacino, and he is not here for Lucy not holding that “f***ing football.”

8. It’s a Wonderful Life: The Lost Ending
For everyone who was dissatisfied that Mr. Potter never got his comeuppance in the classic movie, watch George get revenge. Karma for Christmas!

7. (Do It on My) Twin Bed
Home for the holidays? Time to get a little naughty!

6. Glengarry Glen Christmas
Alec Baldwin’s motivational elf gets Santa’s helpers quaking in their little boots. Always be cobbling!

5. I Wish It Was Christmas Today
Jimmy Fallon, Horatio Sanz, Chris Kattan, and Tracy Morgan get totally silly singing their new holiday tune, and it’s a delightful treat.

4. The Hanukkah Song
Adam Sandler reminds everyone that Christmas isn’t the only holiday this time of year.

3. D*** in a Box
Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg open the one gift that we wish would stop giving.

2. Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood: Christmas
Eddie Murphy could have his own compilation of best holiday sketches, including the Gumby Christmas special, but this might be at the top of the present pile thanks to Mr. Robinson’s helpful tips on how to milk the holiday for personal gain.

1. The Delicious Dish: Schweddy Balls
And of course, Christmas wouldn’t be complete without Alec Baldwin’s balls.

James Franco hosts SNL with musical guest SZA this Saturday at 11:30 p.m. on NBC.

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