The Rock Showed Off His Leg Day Gains in a New Workout Photo

When Dwayne Johnson shared a photo earlier this year showing off the leg gains he packed on before filming the superhero movie Black Adam, it helped to kick off a phenomenon which Men's Health fitness editor Brett Williams dubbed "Quadsummer." And although summer is definitely over, The Rock is clearly feeling quad-tumnal: his legs are looking even bigger in a new Instagram post.

"Completely smashed our leg training last night," he wrote. "Been very pleased (though not satisfied) with my progress in the gym, constantly fine tuning my diet and especially overlaying a wiser approach to work/life balance and mindfulness."

"Shit is hard to do, with a million people & things pulling at you every day - I get it, I live it and I understand," he continued. "Do your best to block out the noise and stay focused on the goals and initiatives. Make your goals a healthy obsession and then apply the strategy of consistent, daily hard work. Slow and steady always wins the long game race."

While Johnson is pretty well-known for his workout posts on Instagram and his vocal commitment to being the "hardest worker in the room," he has been sharing more insights recently into how mindfulness plays a role in his increasingly busy lifestyle.

"I think the most important thing to remember when you're dealing with extreme pressure, for me, is to stay calm," he told Vanity Fair. "It's in the calmness, amidst the calamity that you're going through, that you try to gain your clarity and gain your focus."

When it comes to staying motivated in his training, meanwhile, Johnson's tactic relies less on mindfulness and more on arguing with himself. For example, when trying to power through fatigue in a workout, he said that he tries to remember those "seven bucks days" before he achieved his success. "If that doesn't motivate me, I'll ask myself... How bad of a motherfucker do you think you are?" He added. "And then I'll have this conversation with myself like I'm crazy, like, alright, it's up to you. You think you're a bad motherfucker? Well go out and prove it."

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