People Are Sharing Cheap Purchases That Changed Their Lives, And I Gotta Pick Up Some Of These

We all love great deals — and sometimes it's the smallest, most inexpensive items that have a huge impact on our everyday life.

  Yuri Arcurs / Getty Images / iStockphoto

U/maenefa recently asked the people of Reddit, "What's an inexpensive purchase that significantly improved your life?" Read closely — you might want to remember a few of these the next time you're shopping around:

1."I found a six-foot phone charger that has a 90-degree elbow on it. When I lay in bed I tend to rest the phone on my chest, and the elbow prevents me from damaging the cord. So worth it."


  Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

2."A wireless mouse for my laptop. My fingers and hands shake too much to use the mousepad, and an external mouse is what I've always been used to."


  Knk Su Li Man / Getty Images/EyeEm
Knk Su Li Man / Getty Images/EyeEm

3."Sometimes you just need new underwear."


4."A bluetooth transmitter for my car, so I can listen to the songs i want to."


  Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

5."Blackout curtains. I like to sleep in and they are the best. I have them in every room of my house."


6."Active noise-cancelling headphones."


7."A shoe horn for boots."


  Hirurg / Getty Images
Hirurg / Getty Images

8."A sleep mask."


  Kilito Chan / Getty Images
Kilito Chan / Getty Images

9."My pet. He was a rescue and helped me through some hard times. Great companion."


10."Double shower curtain hooks instead of rings."


11."A curved shower curtain rod. It makes a huge difference in how big the shower feels."


  Pieter Estersohn / Getty Images
Pieter Estersohn / Getty Images

12."A bidet attachment for my toilet."


  Chingyunsong / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Chingyunsong / Getty Images/iStockphoto

13."A mosquito net for my bed. I've had a peaceful sleep for five years!"


14."Handheld digital tire gauge. So many air stations still don't have gauges. And if you need air, it's the best $7 spent."


  Zero Creatives / Getty Images/Image Source
Zero Creatives / Getty Images/Image Source

15."A slow cooker. You can get them for next to nothing, and they make cooking so much easier if you’re single. You literally just put something in it before work, and dinner is ready when you get home."


16."A coffee maker with an automatic timer. It seems small, but it’s so nice to come downstairs in the morning and your coffee is just waiting for you."

  Gk Hart / Getty Images
Gk Hart / Getty Images

17."A good electric toothbrush."


  Peter Dazeley / Getty Images
Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

18."A reusable water bottle — saves money and the environment!"


  Karl Tapales / Getty Images
Karl Tapales / Getty Images

19."A rechargeable LED head lamp. For $15 at the Home Depot, there are few things that have provided more value. Glass breaks in the kitchen and I throw on my head lamp for cleanup. It really helps to see bits of glass. When I'm painting walls when the sun goes down, my eyes are getting old, so it really helps to see edges and corners for clean lines. If I'm changing a spark plug or draining oil, a bit of extra light goes a long way. It's also great for early morning or late night fishing, when I'm tying on a lure or getting a fish off the hook."


  Heath Korvola / Getty Images
Heath Korvola / Getty Images

20."House plants."

  Dukai / Getty Images
Dukai / Getty Images

Agree? Disagree? Have your own additions? See you in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.