Millennials Shared The Lies Their Parents Told Them Growing Up, And I Think We All Need To Agree To Let These Lies Die Here And Now

Do you ever randomly reminisce about the lies you were told as a child that made absolutely no sense, yet you believed them anyway?

New Line Cinema / Via

We recently shared a thread where millennials discussed the lies they were told growing up, started by Reddit user u/KnickerWolves. Well, BuzzFeed readers chimed in with even more absurd lies in the comments, so we decided to share even more!

Rob Riggle saying, "Who came up with this? And why?"

So without further ado, here are just 36 of the lies millennials were always told growing up:

1."I was told that the AIDS virus was smaller than the pores in a latex condom, so you had to wait until you were married to have sex."

Different-colored condoms

2."That marriage is about friendship, and sex isn't particularly important. Those were the values my parents and teachers instilled in me."

A smiling woman and man and the caption, "Friendship only NO SEX???"

3."Get a bachelor's degree and you are set for life as far as a job or career is concerned."

A bachelor's degree and a woman leading a corporate meeting at her job
Getty Images

4."I was told to get a STEM degree and I'd be set, especially because I was a girl."

A woman in a lab conducting an experiment

5."My mom told me girls don't masturbate, lust, get horny, feel pleasure, or want to do anything else that men want to do. All men are horndogs who only want one thing, and all women hate them for it."

A woman's fingers on a grapefruit

6."The biggest lie we were ever told was that we needed to get a desk job to be successful and that it's shameful to work a trade job."

Mr. Incredible from "The Incredibles" looking miserable and sitting at his desk at work

7."My nanna told me that the 'I'm feeling lucky' button on Google would put a virus on the computer."

HBO / Via

"I'm honestly not even sure what it does."


8."That getting good grades in college will get you a job. Bullshit! What gets you a job are internships, volunteering, paid work experiences, and really good connections because employers want someone they know can do the job, or learn it quickly."

A college boy holding up an A+ paper and a grown man in a job meeting

9."Be loyal to your company. They'll take care of you."

NBC / Via


"I hate the loyalty crap. Work your ass off for years and a raise is never in the budget. You prove yourself a reliable, competent employee, and when a position opens up, they'll hire out instead of cross-train. The moment things look bleak, you'll get laid off because you're not the manager's best friend's brother-in-law's son, despite having more experience and taking a fraction of the sick/vacation time."


10."I was told that sex was a reward gifted by women to be bestowed upon deserving men."

Man and woman hugging in bed together and smiling

11.Or this: "Men are always ready to have sex at any moment, and if they aren't, it obviously means there's something wrong with you or they're cheating on you."

The man and a woman lying under a duvet with only their legs visible

12."That you have to be able to do long multiplication and division all the time, and it's not like you're always going to be walking around with a calculator in your pocket."

A kid doing multiplication math

13."In elementary school during the 1990s to early 2000s, they taught us that once we reached high school and college, we were going to be expected to write in cursive for all assignments and essays."

NBC / Via

"Upon sophomore year in high school, having spent the last 10 years perfecting my handwriting, typing and MLA format had already become the new black, so to speak."


14."My mom told me from a young age that girls don't poop or fart, and thus, I was absolutely terrified to do either in public even if I desperately needed to. It doesn’t sound so bad until you realize that it caused such anxiety that I became constipated and couldn't poop, so it just started building up inside me, causing me to vomit after meals and go to the ER."

NBC / Via

"It was honest to god probably some of the worst pain I’ve experienced. Took an X-ray — just a ton of poop. That began my dairy-free diet, as well as having to take a shot of mineral oil a few times a day. This whole ordeal lasted about three months; I was 9. My teachers got involved, told me that if I needed to poop, they would 'send me to the office' with a fake assignment so nobody would question where I was/make fun of me for pooping. Eventually I got over the sickness but not the fear. Then I was able to poop in public when I was older. And when I turned 20, I finally was able to joke about it and go poop when I needed to because of friends. I still can’t fart in front of my boyfriend, though. I did once while I was drunk, and he didn’t care. I do, though.”


15."That we would have flying cars by now."

A flying car


South Park / Comedy Central / Via

16."That unless I got perfect grades, I wouldn't be able to go to college unless I also had a full-time job."

"Instead, there are financial aid options for students from low-income families and student loans that let me pay for classes and rent. Also, I was told that university courses were just like high school classes, but more work every week and harder. It turns out that college is vastly different and much more to my liking."—u/VinumCupio

17."That we'd be able to afford to buy a house when we grew up if we worked really hard and got good jobs."

Suburban house

18."My grandpa told me that the world was in black and white before color TV existed."

Wanda and Vision from "WandaVision"

19."Do it — if you don't, this will go on your permanent record."

The principal in "Hey Arnold" showing Arnold his permanent record

20."As kids, we were told that when the ice cream man came around in his van, wait to hear if he plays the song. If he does, that means he's got no ice cream left."

Giphy / Via

"The cruelty."


21."That you need to define yourself by your job."

Rachel from "Friends" saying "I'm gonna go get one of those job things"

22."The biggest lie of my lifetime was that all plastic is recyclable. It isn't and it hasn't been. Decades' worth of plastic that I thought was being recycled was actually being shipped overseas to be buried or burned."

Cubes of crushed plastic bottles

"Plastics recycling is THE great lie of our age."


Getty Images

23."That everyone will go to college, finish by 21, and already be engaged and married soon after."

Rory Gilmore from "Gilmore Girls" graduating

24."This isn't that bad, but I was always told that the emergency lights in a car were child ejection systems."

A red eject button

25."That turning on the lights in the car was illegal."

Indoor car light on
Getty Images

26."That if I don't have my life figured out by the time I'm 25, then I have some serious problems."

Hilary Duff in "Younger" saying, "I don't know what to do"

27."When I was young, I was told that if I played with my belly button, it would unravel and my insides would fall out."

A close-up belly button

28."That the Dewey Decimal System is essential and that I would need to learn it to be successful in life."

Reference books lined up in the library

29."That money doesn't buy happiness."

Squidward from "SpongeBob SquarePants" showering in money and smiling

30."I was told that I would need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy. It turns out that I don't."

TLC / Via


31."I was told that student loans were GOOD debt, and they would actually benefit me by showing I went to college."

Emily Hampshire on "Schitt's Creek" saying "Wallet full of debt"

32."There was a big fish that lived in the canal behind my house, and I was told that it hunted for the feet of children, so you should never walk on the banks of the canal because then it will grab your feet and eat you."

Tree-lined canal in fog
Getty Images

33."That chewing gum stays in your stomach for seven years if you swallow it."

A boy blowing a bubble with bubble gum
Getty Images

34."That student loans are normal, so don't be afraid to go into debt."

Now This News / Via


35."The entire food pyramid. Eat little to no fats and make sure you eat a fuckton of bread and pasta every day...that's stupid."

The food pyramid

36.And finally, "That it will all make sense when you're older."

NBC / Via

"Fuck that; everything makes even less sense. Now I'm older and expected to be independent and STILL don't understand half the shit I need to accomplish that successfully."


Do you have any lies that you were told growing up that have impacted the way you live to this day? Feel free to drop them in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.