'Big Bang' Emmy Nominee Mayim Bialik Says Sheldon and Amy Can Teach Us a Lot About Love

When Amy Farrah Fowler went to her friends’ DIY prom in Season 8’s “The Prom Equivalency” episode of The Big Bang Theory, she got something she’d been waiting on for a long time: her first “I love you” from boyfriend Sheldon.

As for the actress behind Amy, Mayim Bialik, the episode offered up a prize of another kind: her fourth consecutive Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Emmy nomination. “I think the Amy/Sheldon relationship can teach a lot about relationships in general, and the way we view them,” Bialik, who’s going for her first win in four nominations at the Sept. 20 Emmys, tells Yahoo TV. “I’d be hard-pressed to find another show that has a committed and intimate romantic relationship that’s not sexual,” Bialik continues. “Especially for as long as we’ve done that, I think, in a very authentic and sweet way.” (Here’s hoping they stay together, given that Amy broke things off with Sheldon in the finale after one too many thoughtless actions from her nerdy boyfriend.)

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In a separate clip, the actress, author, neuroscientist, and entrepreneur — check out her new website Groknation.com — shares some fun personal scoop, including her first celebrity crush (one she shares with a lot of other people), the song that makes her cry (it’s from a Disney flick, but almost certainly not the one you’re thinking of), and the most famous person she’s seen naked.

Bialik also tells Yahoo TV about the worst thing she’d ever read about herself on the Interwebs and the last time she broke the law. “There was no one around, but it was a very, very illegal U-turn,” she says.

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Better hope Sheldon doesn’t hear about that… he would be very, very disappointed about her flagrant violation of traffic rules.

The Big Bang Theory returns Monday, Sept. 21 at 8 p.m. on CBS.