This Map Shows The Most Popular Easter Candy In Every State, And People Really Do Like Peeps

This Map Shows The Most Popular Easter Candy In Every State, And People Really Do Like Peeps

If you haven't purchased your Easter candy yet, you better hop to it! 🐰

Easter Sunday is less than a week away and there's so much to look forward to about the holiday. Making hot cross buns, going to church, and enjoying a yummy dinner with loved ones are just a few of the Easter traditions that so many people cherish. But the sweetest part of Easter is, well, the sweets!

Whether it's fruit-flavored treats or candied eggs or decadent chocolates, there are so many different types of Easter candy to choose from. In fact, the endless options of delicious confections have sparked quite a few debates over the years. Which candy egg is the best? Should chocolate bunnies be hollow or solid? Are jellybeans more popular than lollipops? And do people really like Peeps?!

The folks over at set out to find some answers and determined the most popular Easter candy in every state.


Using data from Google Trends, they uncovered which type of Easter treat each state eats a "disproportionate amount of." For this study, Easter treats were defined as "treats that peak in search volume around Easter." From there, they researched which one earned the highest amount of search in each state—thus making it the most popular.

There were a few controversial inclusions in Zippia's search, like boiled eggs. While those are obviously not candy, they are one the most-searched Easter foods across the country during this time of year.

According to the results, Cadbury Creme Eggs are the favorite candy egg in America. (Sorry, Reese's!) And, yes, people really do like Peeps. In fact, those colorful little marshmallows are the second most popular result overall and the most popular in eight states!

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