Lil Nas X Used This WOC Animator to Create the "Panini" Remix Video

It took approximately three days to create the remix video for Lil Nas X's "Panini" featuring Southern rap star DaBaby. Weeks after the song premiered, happily sitting on Billboard's Hot 100, the song got new life today with a Chowder-inspired video — and fans are in love.

California-based motion graphics artist, Emonee LaRussa, was excited to work on the animation assigned to her through Columbia Records. She says it was an honor to work with the rising talent, who has basically had the best summer ever.

"It was such a beast of a project," Emonee tells Teen Vogue. "I’ve been working with Columbia Records for a couple of months now and they reached out to me on Monday and said that they needed a music video that was 'Panini,' but inspired by the cartoon show Chowder."

Having worked on projects for ScHoolboy Q, The Internet, and DanceGavinDance, the 24-year-old who studied digital filmmaking was excited about Panini's remix out of pure nostalgia for the Cartoon Network series.

"I grew up watching 'Chowder' and I’m such a huge fan of C.H. Greenblatt so I knew I had to figure the impossible out," she says. "I built a team of amazing animators and we were able to knock this out in three days. Lil Nas X had some amazing ideas to collaborate with, so I’m glad that I was able to work with him!"

Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue