Kim Kardashian Just Cleared The Air On Several Rumors And Headlines She's Heard About Herself, And You'd Be Surprised By What's Actually True

Kim Kardashian Just Cleared The Air On Several Rumors And Headlines She's Heard About Herself, And You'd Be Surprised By What's Actually True

The Kardashian-Jenner family is no stranger to online rumors, but this time Kim Kardashian is clearing the air on some of the most popular ones.

Kim Kardashian in a white crossover neckline dress at the Breakthrough Prize ceremony
Craig T Fruchtman / Getty Images

During a recent interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kim answered questions about some interesting headlines that were posted about her throughout the years. Surprisingly, a lot of them were true.

Closeup of Kim Kardashian
Lionel Hahn / Getty Images

Here's how she responded to the following rumors:

Jimmy: "Is it true you blow dry all of your jewelry before you put it on?"

Kim Kardashian wearing a black top, seated during a TV interview

"Very true," Kim said. "Because I hate being freezing, and when you put on cold jewelry or anything with a zipper, I just need it warm."


Jimmy: "Do you wash your feet every night before getting into bed?"

Kim Kardashian in a black top with a cityscape backdrop on a talk show set

"I do," Kim confirmed.


Jimmy: "Do you sleep with your eyes slightly open?"

Kim Kardashian in a black dress on Jimmy Kimmel Live, both seated, engaged in conversation

"I do," Kim added. "There's footage. My sisters have taken videos and pictures."


Jimmy: "You celebrated your 14th birthday at Neverland Ranch?"

Kim Kardashian in a sleek top, seated on a TV show set

"I did," Kim said.


Jimmy: "You have someone take the Starbucks sleeve off your coffee because you hate the sound of cardboard?"

Kim Kardashian in a talk show setting, wearing a black top with a plunging neckline

"Yes, that's true," Kim confirmed. "And I hate the feeling. Whoever I'm with, I just can't see it being done, or I can't hear it, or I can't feel it. The cardboard getting moved off the cup is like nails on a chalkboard to me."


Jimmy: "You had your own workout DVD called, Kim Kardashian: Fit in Your Jeans by Friday?"

Person in a black top smiling on a talk show set

"True," Kim agreed while laughing. "A long, long time ago."


But that wasn't all. You can learn more about Kim by watching her full Jimmy Kimmel Live episode below: