Join Us to Celebrate the Birth of a Beautiful Baby Bongo at ZooTampa

Courtesy of ZooTampa

A Florida zoo was able to celebrate the arrival of a new eastern bongo calf earlier this month—an extra-special occasion considering this particular species of African antelope is critically endangered.

ZooTampa said in a news release that mom Blitzen gave birth to her 35-pound, 2-foot-tall female kiddo on May 1. She'll eventually meet her dad, Kito, and join the zoo's Africa exhibit. A veterinary exam showed the baby was healthy.

"The birth of every newborn animal at ZooTampa is cause for celebration, but the birth of an endangered species is always a new occasion for hope," Larry Killmar, chief zoological officer, said in the release. "Bongo conservation in the wild is ongoing, but the effort continues to meet many challenges. ZooTampa has joined zoos around the world to make sure this beautiful animal continues to exist.''

Courtesy of ZooTampa

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On the off chance you come across bongos in the central Affircan wild, where there might be as few as 200 remaining, you won't miss them. They're big (weighing up to 800 pounds) with big horns (up to 3 feet long) and orange coats that include some rather striking white stripes.

Plus, as you can see above, they make for some awful cute babies! Ears for days!