Janet Is the Superhero We Need, Deserve

Photo credit: Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved
Photo credit: Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved

From Cosmopolitan

When Amanda Williams sent her 10-year-old daughter, Luca, off to her arts camp for the day, she probably wasn't expecting Luca's hard work to go viral. But that's the power of top quality art for you!

Thanks to Williams' tweet, Luca's drawing of Janet, the green superhero who "cuts people in half with giant scissors," has won over the Internet, garnering over 15,000 retweets and nearly 54,000 likes. "She's only a hero to herself," Luca wrote in parenthesis at the bottom of her creation - but that is clearly not true, because Janet is a hero to all of us.

It's easy to see how, too. With her chic neckerchief, neon hair, and no-nonsense attitude, Janet has already inspired countless others and tons of fan art.

Over email, Luca (with the help of Williams for punctuation and typing purposes), explained to Cosmopolitan.com that she chose to name her creation Janet because it’s a "normal name." "She could be anybody, but she’s not like anybody," Luca explained. "She’s really strong, in her mind and her body, and she does her own thing. She doesn’t have time for jerks. And she doesn’t give warnings. Janet is my perfect hero.”

Photo credit: Courtesy of Amanda Williams
Photo credit: Courtesy of Amanda Williams

She also said that Janet's special superhero powers are that her stick glows when she's near a rude person, and she's comfortable being on her own team - in the sense that Janet can get any job done by herself. Janet's only weakness is that she has to stop to sharpen her stick.

What does Janet consider to be a rude person? Janet hates "bullies and misogynists," Luca explained. Luca also offered up this blurb about a potential Janet book:

The Earth is filled to the brim with bullies. People everywhere have stopped sticking up for each other. There’s a jerk around every corner. The world is cold. The will to be strong is fading. And somebody needs to put that right. Janet. From a world outside our own, Janet is coming.

Incredible. Can someone call Disney and option the rights for a Janet movie franchise ASAP please? We all need this.

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