J.Lo Banned All Ben Affleck Questions Before the 'Atlas' Press Tour

atlas fan event mexico city
J.Lo Banned Ben Affleck Qs Before Atlas Press TourHector Vivas - Getty Images

Jennifer Lopez was asked about Ben Affleck divorce rumors during a recent Atlas press conference in Mexico—and not only was this extremely uncool, it was strictly off limits. According to TMZ, turns out press were "warned" that "all Bennifer questions" were off limits ahead of J.Lo's press conference.

Per the outlet's sources, Netflix even went so far as to alert media covering the Hollywood and Mexico City premieres of Atlas that "no Ben Affleck, and no personal queries were allowed." On top of that, J.Lo was only booked for group interviews, which TMZ says was the "studio's version of calling in backup."

Despite this, a reporter straight-up asked Jennifer "Is your divorce with Ben Affleck real?"—a question that her costar Simu Liu immediately shut down.

"Okay, we're not doing that," the actor said. "Thank you so much guys, we really appreciate it. Thank you."

J.Lo then looked at the reporter directly and said, "You know better than that," while Simu added "C'mon, don't come in here with that energy, please."

Bennifer's relationship status is still somewhat up in the air at this point: the couple is said to be living apart, and Ben's been seen several times without his wedding ring (fwiw, Jennifer's been wearing hers!). Meanwhile, an Entertainment Tonight source recently gave some insight into their relationship struggles, saying "Ben feels like Jen has a hard time feeling satisfied and that's one of the issues they're facing. Ben is one of the only people who feels comfortable enough to be honest and real with Jen. It's part of why Jen loves him, but also why she's upset with him."

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