Your Horoscope for the Week of March 13

From Cosmopolitan


Another busy and eventful week! A conflict with a VIP or teacher on Monday may stress you out but stand your ground and speak your truth. Things will be flowing smoothly again by Tuesday when information you get from a friend will help you make choices that work for you. Strong romantic feelings may be stirring for a certain someone. Just make sure you are paying attention to reality and not your projection. A strong work or personal alliance can be formed on Wednesday. Take care of your health and spend time in the great outdoors this weekend.


Take things slow and steady this week, Aries. You may get a bit of a reality check on Monday when practical concerns overshadow bold visions. Take it as an opportunity to tweak and re-adjust your vision. Pay extra close attention to your insights on Tuesday when a VIP helps you out from behind the scenes. Wednesday could turn out to be an epic day at work. Sifting through the details pays off big time! The moon in warm-hearted and gregarious Leo at the end of the week makes this weekend one of the most sexy and fun of the month.


You are stepping into your power as a leader and a visionary. So many exciting opportunities have been coming up for your recently and this week you will be able to cement your new plans. A financial disagreement on Monday may highlight the need to adjust your plans or expectations. But integrate new info and move forward with confidence, especially since Tuesday and Wednesday are fabulous days when the brilliance of your plans shine and others are eager to help. The moon in family-oriented Leo this weekend urges you to rest and relax with your tribe.


Be patient this week, Gemini, since there is a lot going on. A simmering conflict could come to a head on Monday, so watch and see how others act before making major decisions. Tuesday and Wednesday are fabulous days when long standing and private plans could finally materialize, and boost your bottom line. Ask for a raise or confide in trusted advisers about your long term plans and vision. The moon in festive Leo this weekend prompts you to reconnect with old friends and make new connections.


You are now at the crossroads of figuring out exactly what you want to do, and what goes into reaching those goals. Being practical and realistic may be a bit of a downer but whatever info emerges on Monday take it as a reality check that will ultimately help you. Pushback you get from colleagues only makes you stronger. You will be back in your groove by Tuesday and Wednesday when you realize how many people really are in your corner and will help you achieve your aims. The moon in luxury loving Leo this weekend encourages you to indulge.


Look beneath the surface this week, Leo. A battle of the wills may come to a head on Monday. Recognize where it's worth it to put your foot down and when you should just let it go. Things are moving super smoothly at work after Tuesday when a new procedure or routine is helping you manage your time more effectively. Get ready for some good news on Wednesday when a big dream could become a reality. The moon is in your sign all weekend so you will be the belle of the ball. Organize a fun party or night out with your whole crew.


You may feel like so much is swirling this week and you don't have as much control over the developments as you wish you had. Others could seriously push your buttons on Monday, especially with topics related to your home or family. Try to resist power struggles since they will likely end up in heaps of hurt feelings and mixed messages. Things start flowing much more smoothly on Tuesday, and Wednesday is the highlight of the week when you get a lovely surprise from an admirer! Spend the weekend nesting and being romantic together.


Your work life is in transition mode right now and you could make some major decisions this week. Be careful that a correspondence doesn't escalate into a disagreement on Monday when you may feel like mixed messages are causing problems. Just deal with the information at hand as best you can. Things will be flowing easily agin by Tuesday but you will still want to keep a low profile and not be more of an observer. The moon in warm-hearted Leo this weekend encourages you to reconnect and spend time with your friends.


You are firing on all cylinders this week and can get ready for some happy and exciting news! You may feel some stress on Monday, especially as related to a financial situations so be patient. Stand up for what you believe but don't let the conflict escalate. Especially since you will have some fabulous opportunities coming to you, especially via your friends, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Follow up on all of the leads, introductions, and brainstorms you have right now. With the moon in glamorous Leo this weekend, all eyes will be on you so be proud of your accomplishments.


There could be some highs and lows this week. Resist the urge to get into a power struggle on Monday when feelings run high and people are likely to over-react. Tuesday and Wednesday are the fabulous days this week when your instincts will be sharp and you will know just how to maneuver situations to your benefit. Especially on Wednesday when lucky Jupiter makes a gorgeous trine to powerful Pluto. The moon is in warm and gregarious Leo all weekend urging you to take an adventure or have some fun.


There is lots of information, and misinformation, swirling this week. Remain skeptical on Monday when you conflicting ideas and communications will force you to use your intuition to sift through. You will get a much better sense of what is real on Tuesday when verbal Mercury makes a supportive sextile to determined Pluto in your sign. But it's Wednesday that is your best day of the week, when a bold new vision or idea will emerge. The moon in enthusiastic Leo this weekend will spice up your love life.


You have been focused on practical, financial considerations recently and this is the week when you will have some clarity about how things will move forward. A stubborn disagreement with a friend or co-worker could bring some stress on Monday but things will simmer down quickly. You will get some very relevant information on Tuesday. And Wednesday is your day to make any important decisions. You know what's right in your heart so don't worry about what others think. The moon in your zone of relationships this weekend makes it a very social and romantic few days.