Hilary Duff Just Posted A Super-Real Photo About Her Biggest Post-Baby Struggle

Photo credit: Jerritt Clark - Getty Images
Photo credit: Jerritt Clark - Getty Images

From Women's Health

  • Hilary Duff revealed on Instagram her two-month-old daughter Banks is suffering from colic.

  • According to the U.S National Library of Medicine, colic occurs when babies cry for more than three hours a day.

  • Colic is difficult to deal with, but not dangerous, and typically clears up by the time a baby is 12 weeks old.

Hilary Duff welcomed her daughter Banks two months ago, but she just shared on Instagram that life with a new baby hasn’t been easy.

“Calling all parents of colic babies.....this ends right?” she captioned a shot of herself holding her baby.

“Can you ever set them down without them screaming OR waking up? We have read everything the internet has to offer... nothing besides nursing basically every hour or less helps! We have done all the obvious things ..please leave magic tricks in comments. Oh and happy new year lol #thankGforfilters #babyforsale !!! #anytakers??”

Hilary also shared texts on Instagram Stories from her boyfriend Matthew Koma where he said he was “really proud of us” for being “good and patient and kind with each other even when it’s really f*cking hard.”

Hilary’s comments were flooded with tips from people, who recommended things like gas drops, gripe water, and even using a baby chiropractor (come again??).

Uh, what exactly is colic anyway?

An estimated one in five babies have colic, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM)-and it happens when your baby cries for longer than three hours a day, typically around the same time each day (usually in the evening).

Colic symptoms also begin suddenly, per the NLM-your baby's fussiness might also be accompanied by clenched fists, curled-up legs, or even a swollen stomach (though, despite looking like they have belly pain, the NLM says colicky babies typically eat well and gain weight normally).

Colic usually starts between the third and sixth week after a baby is born and usually ends by the time they're 12 weeks old. If, however, your baby reaches three months old and still has colic-or their colic is accompanied by fever, severe vomiting, or diarrhea-call your doctor immediately to rule out other health issues.

There's no clear, definite cause of colic, per the NLM, but some possible causes include:

  • Pain from gas

  • Hunger

  • Overfeeding

  • Sensitivity to certain stimuli

  • Fear, frustration, or excitement

  • Intolerance to certain foods or proteins in a mother's breast milk or formula

If you’re breastfeeding, the NLM recommends mixing up your diet by eliminating things like caffeine, dairy, soy, egg, or wheat products for a few weeks to see if that helps.

You can also try burping your baby more during feedings, placing them across your lap and rubbing their back, putting them in a swing, playing music, and running the clothes dryer, vacuum, or white noise machine (babies can be soothed by the sound and movement).

So yeah, colic sounds like an awful time for everyone involved, but Hilary seems to be taking the whole thing in stride. She later posted a joking photo of herself eating while nursing and said that the food was “bomb." Hang in there, Hil!

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