Watching Angela Lansbury Sing 'Beauty and the Beast' at Lincoln Center Will Make You Feel 7 Years Old Again

Could you use a warm, fuzzy feeling today? Then plug in your headphones and prepare to be transported back to your childhood for three minutes. In the video above, 90-year-old Angela Lansbury delivers her signature Disney tune, the title song from Beauty and the Beast, just as sweetly as she did it in the 1991 film. At the end, she tells Chip to go to bed in her Mrs. Potts voice just in case you haven’t already melted into a puddle of Disney nostalgia by then.

Related: ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Live-Action Tease: Watch Emma Watson and Dan Stevens at the Cast Table Read

Lansbury’s performance (accompanied by Alan Menken, who composed the song) was part of a special screening event on Sunday, held at New York City’s Lincoln Center in celebration of Beauty and the Beast‘s 25th anniversary and its new home video release. The location was a meaningful one for those involved with the film, the first animated movie to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture: the first-ever screening of Beauty and the Beast was a “work in progress” cut that debuted at that same Lincoln Center theater in 1991.

Watch a clip from a ‘Beauty and the Beast’ documentary to see a rare concept painting crucial to the film from the Disney archives: