Frankie the kitten was born with four ears

This sweet cat was rescued by the Geelong Animal Welfare Society in Australia. The rare feline was born with an extra set of ears — that’s right, the kitty has four ears! Frankie (short for Frankenkitten) also had a severely infected eye that needed to be removed. The different but very special kitten found his forever home thanks to Georgia Anderson, a volunteer at the animal shelter. Anderson fostered Frankie during his recovery and soon discovered that she wanted to add him to her family. She told the Dodo: “I've probably fostered around 80 cats and kittens in the last year, and he was the first one that I knew I would regret giving back.” The healing process hasn’t been easy for Anderson’s purrfect pet. Frankie’s health is still a concern, but he’s fighting the good fight. He’s found his playful side again and is enjoying kittenhood.