What can fans expect from ‘The Chosen’ finale?

A scene from “The Chosen.”
A scene from “The Chosen.” | The Chosen

As “The Chosen” presses forward into its fourth season, its pace is expected to pick up. As the show’s creator and director Dallas Jenkins put it, “Season 4 is where it starts to turn.”

The hit biblical era drama about the life and death of Jesus is expected to run for seven seasons with eight episodes each. As the Angel Original show has gathered an exuberant fanbase and has surpassed its halfway point, speculation around what the finale will entail has already begun in some fan social media groups.

When an especially popular show concludes, the finale can become something of a bonding experience for fans. Think back to the end of “Seinfeld.” With a booming audience north of 76 million, fans gathered in their homes and even in the middle of Times Square to watch the final fate of Jerry, Elaine, Kramer and George.


It’s a rare honor to accumulate that many viewers; most other television shows don’t approach that kind of viewership for a finale. It’s safe to say that a lot rides on a finale. When fans have followed a show intensely, fans can develop their own ideas about how a finale should end.

When it comes to “The Chosen,” it’s both a secret and not a secret as to how the show will end. Since the show is based on the New Testament, its ending is already given away: We know that Jesus will be resurrected in the end, but we don’t know exactly where the show will actually end.

Will it end with the resurrection? How about on the road to Emmaus? What about Pentecost? Or will it extend even further into when Paul is an apostle? Or will there be some other kind of surprise ending? That’s what’s unclear.

And as the show becomes more popular, the stakes may seem a little higher.

So, during a press conference about “The Chosen,” the Deseret News asked participants if they were concerned that the show’s finale wouldn’t live up to hype.

As president of production Mark Sourian answered the question, he became visibly excited and said he’d like to throw the question back. “Does the finale of Jesus’ story live up to the hype of the Bible?”

“Because if you feel that it does, then, I would say Dallas knows what he’s doing,” Sourian said.

“And if you have enjoyed seasons 1, 2 and 3, there’s no reason why you won’t be riveted and moved by seasons 4, 5, 6 and 7. What we’re blessed with — and I mean that in every sense of the word — is that we have the Bible as our guide, telling this story,” Sourian said.


While Sourian said his initial response was “a touch facetious,” he said “having the Bible as the guide and Dallas as our filmmaker doesn’t make me worried.”

And when it comes to the overall quality of the show, Sourian said it’s only gotten better.

“We’ve worked with primarily, unlike a lot of series, the same crew from season to season to season. And as head of production, I’ve seen our crew grow in experience and in expertise,” Sourian said. He added that as ambitions have grown with each season to produce a better television show, the crew has been able to do that.

Sourian didn’t give away any of the finale’s plot details. It’ll be interesting to see at what point Season 4 ends, as that will give insight into how the pacing of the remaining seasons will go.

Season 4’s release schedule in 2024 will be as follows: Episodes 1 through 3 on Feb. 1, 4 through 6 on Feb. 15, and 7 and 8 on Feb. 29. All episodes will be released in theaters.