Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame smashed by man dressed as the Incredible Hulk

Johnny Grant (L) (honorary Mayor of Hollywood), and Leron Gubler (R) (President/CEO, Hollywood Chamber of Commerce) at the star ceremony Honoring Donald Trump (C) on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. (Photo by Frank Trapper/Corbis via Getty Images)
Johnny Grant (honorary Mayor of Hollywood) and Leron Gubler (President/CEO, Hollywood Chamber of Commerce) at the star ceremony honoring Donald Trump on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. (Photo: Frank Trapper/Corbis via Getty Images)

Donald Trump’s week keeps getting worse.

The president saw his long-held-private tax returns exposed by the New York Times on Sunday, drew widespread criticism for boorish behavior during a presidential debate in which he refused to condemn white supremacy groups on Tuesday and surely heard embarrassing audio leaked of First Lady Melania Trump trashing Christmas on Thursday. And this was all before Thursday night’s shocking announcement that both the president and first lady tested positive for COVID-19.

Things turned from worse to just straight bizarre Friday, when TMZ reported that the president’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was vandalized, again, this time by a man dressed up as The Incredible Hulk.

According to the site’s law enforcement sources, the Marvel cosplayer took a pickaxe to the Hollywood Blvd. star around 5 a.m. Friday — only hours after the president’s announcement that he was quarantining with COVID-19 — and rendered it unrecognizable. The unknown suspect caused $5,000 in damage to the star.

Not actual footage
The president's star on the Hollywood Walk of fame has been defaced by a costumed vandal. (Not actual footage.)

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has vowed to replace the terrazzo and brass star, which is becoming a routine practice.

Trump’s star, first placed in 2007, has been routinely targeted by vandals and pranksters in the years since the real estate mogul and The Apprentice reality TV star launched a political career.

There’s been a miniature wall placed around the star by a street artist to protest the wall being built on the U.S.-Mexico border, and a golden toilet etched with the words “Take a Trump” placed next to it.

It’s been decimated by assailants with both a sledgehammer and pickaxe.

And most recently, it was blanketed by spray paint and topped with a small green plastic bag that apparently contained dog excrement during Black Lives Matter protests.

At least a couple of the defilers have been caught: James Otis was arrested and charged with $4,400 for the damage in 2016 and Austin Mikel Clay was sentenced to one day in county jail and ordered to pay $9,400 in 2018.

The Hulk, however, apparently remains on the loose as of press time.

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