Discover the Nail Polish Your Sign Should Wear for Leo Season

Leo Nails
Leo Nails

Unsplash/Getty Images

During Leo season, our hearts, minds, and books will evolve to become more dramatic than usual. In other words, it's time to go big or go home.

And the best way to engage in the fiery month that is upon us is to adorn your nails with polish that is a little bit more extra in color. Neons, glitter, and glam are key now. It's time to embrace the diva that lives inside of you — whether you recognize it or not.

So without further ado, let's see which nail polish your sign should wear to celebrate Leo season.

RELATED: Your Leo Zodiac Sign Guide: Everything to Know About the Spotlight-Loving Fire Sign

Leo: Orly Glow Up Top Effect

You're the one who adds shine to all that you engage with, so it makes sense that you will opt for a nail polish that glows up your paws — literally. Not only will this polish bring you more attention, but it will make you the brightest star wherever you go.

To buy: $13,

Leo Nails
Leo Nails

Virgo: KBShimmer Oh Splat

You aren't one for the glitz and glamour of bright sparkly nail polishes. But, this confetti nail polish will give you the low key drama and flair that you crave at the moment. You'll feel like the Queen Bee of the social scene — without seeming like you're thirsty for attention.

To buy: $13,

Leo Nails
Leo Nails

Libra: Côte No. 119 Rich Azure Blue

The next 30 days will push you to dream big, which is why a nail polish in a lovely bluish hue will be inspiring and helpful in bringing your sentiments to life. This summery shade is the perfect color to help manifest your innermost goals and visions during Leo season.

To buy: $18,

Leo Nails
Leo Nails

Scorpio: Butter London Her Majesty's Red

It's time for people to take notice of you, Scorpio. A bright red nail polish will show off your power and authority at work and in relationships. No one will take advantage of you, in fact everyone will revere and respect you more than before. Level up with red nails.

To buy: $18,

Leo Nails
Leo Nails

Sagittarius: ILNP Opal Sunset

Your mind is evolving at rampant speed, as well as your desire to seek out adventure. This opalescent nail polish will inspire you to take risks and try new things. Yes, you have an open mind, but now your heart and mind are wanting to be more progressive and exploratory.

To buy: $10,

Leo Nails
Leo Nails

Capricorn: Butter London Cotton Buds

It's time for you to wipe the slate clean, which is why a white nail polish will help you transform for the new month ahead. Now, you'll have the time and chance to create the life you want. How will you choose to proceed?

To buy: $15,

Leo Nails
Leo Nails

Aquarius: Nails.INC Naked in Neon

The month ahead will bring a lot of passion into your relationships. Therefore, there's no better color to activate that sentiment than a bright yellow. This will add positivity and playfulness to the many mini arguments that you get into with others. Issues won't seem as big as they are.

To buy: $8,

Leo Nails
Leo Nails

Pisces: Butter London Molly Coddled

It's time for you to mesh your intuitive sentiments with practicality. Fresh lavender nail polish will allow you to access your emotions, as well as your mindful manner. You'll be able to find the balance in these juxtaposing energies needed within yourself to move forward in any direction you choose.

To buy: $15,

Leo Nails
Leo Nails

Aries: Duri Sobe Sole

A neon orange nail polish is the perfect color to activate the creative side of your heart. This will give you the drive and determination to let your artistry be seen by others. They will lovingly marvel at your innate talents that you have kept hidden for quite some time.

To buy: $8,

Leo Nails
Leo Nails

Taurus: Static Nails Pink Is My Kink

Home may be where your heart is right now, but that doesn't mean you can't give your nails some TLC, too. A neon pink polish will rev up your look, making your nails IG worthy — even if you don't want to go out for a night on the town.

To buy: $16,

Leo Nails
Leo Nails

Gemini: Claire's Starry Night

Your mind is racing 1,000,000 miles a minute, which is why you'll need a little distraction to calm your thoughts. A sparkly silver nail polish will do the trick, as it will allow you to focus your energies on something other than gossip, dramatic communication with friends, and social media.

To buy: $2,

Leo Nails
Leo Nails

Cancer: Color Club Cool Story

A nail polish that changes color depending on your moods is perfect for your ever evolving sentiments (no shade thrown, just a-whole-lotta love). This ombre nail polish won't let you stay away from having your heart be known. Embrace your feelings and let your emotions be made public.

To buy: $7,

Leo Nails
Leo Nails