Dairy Queen Is Offering $1.99 Kids Meals This Halloween

Dairy Queen Is Offering $1.99 Kids Meals This Halloween

Halloween is fast approaching, and it’s probably going to be a little lamer than normal this year. With fewer adults likely to give out candy and a subsequent drop in parents taking their kids out trick or treating, we’ll essentially have little choice but to let the private sector step in and try to scare up some good times and distribute cheap/free food on October 31st.

Now, Dairy Queen will hope to fill the void for children missing out on bucketfuls of free candy with a discounted kid’s meal. On October 31st, parents and kids can visit participating Dairy Queen locations and acquire a Kid’s Meal for just $1.99 when they order using the DQ mobile app.

While the kid’s meal doesn’t come with any fun-sized candy bars (look to Amazon for that), it does include an entree, side, and drink, plus a chocolate or vanilla Kid’s Cone. It’s like a meal plus a frozen version of Halloween candy if you really think about it.


If you’re dragging your kid to Dairy Queen with you, you might as well get something vaguely candy-themed for yourself, too. The good news is that the Oreo Mocha Fudge Blizzard, October’s blizzard of the month, comes with Oreo cookie pieces, chocolate chunks, and coffee blended alongside DQ soft-serve. As if that wasn’t enough, the option to mix candy like Reese’s and M&M’s into your Blizzard of choice seems like a valid way to add some trick to your treat.

So feed your kid on some cheap Dairy Queen on Halloween. If you throw on a suit and flip your Blizzard upside down, you can pretend you’re dressed up as Joe Biden on National Dessert Day. Really, what do you have to lose?