Your Daily CatScope for August 08, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


You've got big ambitions -- maybe you want to be top cat in the neighborhood, or maybe you just want to get out and explore where the humans say you're not allowed. Keep pushing toward your goal!


Someone in your life is behaving very strangely and you would rather they quit the nonsense at once. Good luck getting them to see the light, though -- they're filled with weird energy all day long!


You know exactly how things ought to be -- and can tell that the current situation needs to change! The good news is that your yowling can make a real difference, as long as you play it all just right.


You've got to make sure that you're still in charge around here, so let people or anyone else know when they get out of line. At some point, you may have to settle for a compromise, so watch out!


You and your human family might be at odds with each other over some small issue -- or one that seems small to them! It could be food, outdoor privileges or who knows what, but you need to stand your ground.

Find out what the cards have in store for you with your 2022 Tarot Reading.


You've got your way of doing things and you don't like to stray from it. Today, though, you feel a little wild -- and you might just decide to mix things up and totally baffle the humans in your life!


You are a furry love bomb today and the lucky humans in your life should get huge doses of purring and rubbing and whatever else you can come up with. It's a good day for nice long naps, too!


Something or someone new is introduced to the household and your grasp of things is kind of disrupted. That doesn't mean it's the end of the world -- just that you need to adjust your attitude!


Some cats don't like strangers much, but you're not like that. In fact, today, you might go out of your way to say hello to anyone new, so watch out for those who don't get how great your species is!


You're feeling a little skittish about the basics like food and shelter, even though you've never had a problem with them in the past. It's just an old saber-toothed ancestor telling you to get hunting!


Unlike a lot of kitties, you enjoy change -- at least, you do when you're the one behind it! It's a good time to let people know that you're restless, so maybe they can do something about it for you.


If you spend all day napping, who's going to complain? Your dreams are just too good to pass up and you should make sure that you hunt a few imaginary birds and bunnies while you're passed out on the couch.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙