Cyndi Ramirez-Fulton is modernizing the self-care experience through her brand, Chillhouse

Get to know Cyndi Ramirez-Fulton, founder of Chillhouse, a new-age spa and wellness line focused on self-care.

Video Transcript

CYNDI RAMIREZ-FULTON: Self care, it doesn't have to be this whole 12-step routine. It could be as easy as doing that stretch in the morning, or taking that bath at night. Hi. I'm Cyndi Ramirez-Fulton. I'm the founder and CEO of Chillhouse. Born and raised New Yorker, first generation Colombian American, I am the daughter of an aesthetician.

I watched her grow her businesses, but I felt like there was just always something missing for me and my generation. I just sought out to change this industry I knew and grew up in, make it fun, accessible, light, and really for the modern day consumer. We are at our flagship in Soho. We have manicure services, pedicure services, massages, facials.

We have an infrared heat room, and we also have a wellness cafe where we do specialty lattes. And then we also have our at home self-care treatments, that's what we call our products essentially. Instantly, the voice behind Chillhouse really resonated with people.

The fact that I am Latina, and I just represent an entirely different type of individual than the wellness industry has seen before, I think really helped open up our doors and make ourselves appealing to a much larger community than the wellness industry has ever really seen before. We still tried to continue being a very attainable, affordable, spa destination for our community. Sure that they feel like they can still have that moment of chill.