Crisp and Tasty Asparagus Is Your Secret Weapon for Healthy Digestion—Here's Why RDs Love It

Asparagus is one of those vegetables that likely won't incite much excitement if you've never had it prepared in a flavorful way. But as you might predict of this deep-green produce, the humble asparagus is both full of flavor and health benefits that will make adding it to the meal rotation worth your while.

Asparagus is a dark green veggie usually sold in bunches of spears with tiny leaves on top. When shopping for fresh asparagus, you'll generally want to look for spears that are more thick than thin with closed, firm stems, and stalks that don't appear woody. You may also be able to find white or purple asparagus, which can offer sweeter or milder flavors, at farmers' markets—especially in the spring when they're in season (it's available year-round, but typically harvested and most fresh between February and June). You might be surprised to learn how versatile and easy to prepare it can be. Enjoy it it in any number of ways, whether as a side dish, in a salad, or as part of a main course. Read on for more delicious, healthy benefits of asparagus, plus some fabulous ways to cook with them.

Asparagus Health Benefits
Asparagus Health Benefits

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Asparagus Is Loaded With Health Benefits

Asparagus is a superfood, jam-packed with nutrients and health benefits, says Brigitte Zeitlin, RD, a New York City–based registered dietitian, health coach, and founder of BZ Nutrition. Here are several healthy reasons to include this veggie in more your dishes.

It promotes a healthy digestive system.

One of asparagus's health benefits includes promoting gut health by helping to reduce bloat, improve digestion, and combat constipation.

"Asparagus is a great source of prebiotics, which help you to maintain good gut health," adds Amy Gorin, RDN, a plant-based registered dietitian and owner of Plant-Based Eats in Stamford, Conn. "It also provides filling fiber and a surprising amount of protein at 1.5 grams per half-cup."

RELATED: Top 10 High-Fiber Foods for Great Gut Health

It's an excellent source of folate.

"[Asparagus is] also a great source of folate, [an essential nutrient required for DNA replication], so for those of you who are pregnant or breastfeeding, add in asparagus on a daily basis," Zeitlin says. This is because the body requires more folate during pregnancy in order to grow and develop the fetus.

It's chock-full of vitamins for healthy bones, metabolism, and blood.

Asparagus is also a great source of vitamins A and C, as well as vitamin K, which is key for bone health and the natural process of proper blood clotting (to prevent excessive bleeding). It also contains micronutrients such as iron, zinc, and riboflavin, essential for healthy development and metabolic energy production. And while you can (and should!) eat almost the entire spear (except for the very light, tough ends that you can trim off before eating), most of the minerals and nutrients have been found to be concentrated in the darker, leafier tips at the top of the spear.

Nope, that "asparagus pee" smell isn't bad for you.

Finally, if you've ever eaten a serving of asparagus, chances are you've noticed the funky smell of your urine in the hours that follow. This is due to asparagusic acid, which is found exclusively in asparagus. When your body digests asparagus, this acid is broken down into byproducts that contain sulfur, which explains the unpleasant smell when your urine meets the air after you've consumed asparagus. Fortunately, it's nothing to be alarmed about when it comes to your health—and certainly doesn't outweigh the benefits of eating asparagus.

Delicious Ways to Prepare Asparagus

Asparagus is one of those veggies that can potentially come out bland and flavorless if you simply steam it and barely season it. And it's not great if it gets overcooked. Fortunately, it's a versatile vegetable that can be prepared in a variety of ways, with grilling and roasting being some more popular methods. It can also be incorporated into salads, pastas, and much more. If you steam, boil, or blanch it, make sure to salt the water and season your veggies amply—and don't overdo it on cooking time. A few minutes should do the trick for crisp, sweet asparagus stalks.

"Asparagus is great grilled or roasted as a side to your chicken, salmon, or tofu," Zeitlin says. "It is also fantastic diced up and mixed into scrambled eggs, frittatas, and veggie sautés."

Don't be afraid to experiment to find which preparation you and your family love best. Bottom line: It's a nutrient-dense vegetable that can be quite delicious when prepared properly, so definitely don't overlook it when browsing the produce section.

Want more asparagus inspo? Head here for our definitive roundup of easy asparagus recipes you'll want to make again and again.