Couples Who Didn't Marry Until Later In Life, Is It Worth The Wait?

They say there is no right time to get married. Some marry young; some marry late.

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While finding the one as early as possible is the dream, not all of us are that lucky, right?

Shocked young woman looking at digital tablet's screen receiving bad news.

Although, as we get older, the impending doom of eternal singlehood scares at least a few of us. And I am here to get some reassurance for me and my folks (other painfully single folks).

Alihan Usullu / Getty Images/iStockphoto

While statistics about the success of delayed marriages argue between themselves, it truly is to each their own.

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Did you get married late in life? If yes, I would love to hear your story and maybe share it with my fellow single folks.

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What made you wait? Are you glad that you waited?

And what changed once you were married?

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Do you wish you got married sooner?

Whatever your story is, share it in the comments below! No detail is too big or too small. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.