Conjoined Twins "Too Healthy" to Separate

Photo credit: Elizabeth Conley, Houston Chronicle
Photo credit: Elizabeth Conley, Houston Chronicle

From Cosmopolitan

When she was eight weeks pregnant, Chelsea Torres, 23, found out she was carrying conjoined twins, she explained on her GoFundMe. She gave birth to Callie and Carter on Jan. 30. On March 10, the couple brought the girls home in disbelief after being told there was no hope of separating them.

Photo credit: Elizabeth Conley, Houston Chronicle
Photo credit: Elizabeth Conley, Houston Chronicle

Chelsea, her 22-year-old husband Nick, and their 3-year-old son Jaysin moved from Idaho to Houston, Texas, six months ago so the world-renowned surgical team at the Texas Children’s Hospital could help give their very high-risk babies a better chance at survival. They expected to stay in Texas for months after the inevitable separation surgery when the twins were born, but the couple was shocked when the team told them Callie and Carter were “so healthy, they weren’t candidates for risky separation surgery,” the Houston Chronicle reports.

Photo credit: Elizabeth Conley, Houston Chronicle
Photo credit: Elizabeth Conley, Houston Chronicle

The twins, though conjoined at the abdomen and share all organs from the waist down, are doing well. "I've been dreading the return," Nick told the paper after arriving home after the 1,700-mile drive. "I'm just glad we're making it with two healthy babies.” The Torres’s moved in with Nick’s mom and are currently sorting out their work situations.

Though Chelsea was able to remain on her mother’s insurance throughout the pregnancy and birth, a lot of her out-of-state testing wasn’t covered. “We didn't buy anything for our twins in fear of them not being here so the babies have but a few outfits,” Chelsea elaborated on the GoFundMe. “You guys made our dreams become reality with beating the odds with our precious babies, Callie and Carter.” You can contribute to the family’s growing medical bills here.

Photo credit: Elizabeth Conley, Houston Chronicle
Photo credit: Elizabeth Conley, Houston Chronicle

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