Chris Harrison Blogs ‘The Bachelor’ Episode 4

Photo: Instagram
Danielle and Nick (Photo: Instagram)

Welcome back, Bachelor Nation! It’s only been four weeks and it’s becoming obvious that the drama that has been stirred up so far isn’t going away anytime soon. Corinne and Taylor are just getting started, but before we get into that, let’s take a look back at this very exciting episode.

Vanessa laid down the law when it came to how she felt Nick should deal with Corinne, but Nick followed his heart and decided to give Corinne a rose. Just as soon as it seemed the Bachelor mansion was going to explode, Nick and his ladies hit the road and headed east to Waukesha, Wis.

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Nick is known for a lot of things, but people often forget how much of a family man he really is. Ten siblings and two very devoted parents make up part of what made Nick the man he is today, and it was really important for Nick to sit down and spend some time with his parents, who have been there for him through the ups and downs of his journey through The Bachelorette, twice. You can also see where Nick gets his emotional side when you watch his mother talk to him.

The first date of the week was a walk down memory lane for Nick. Nick and Danielle L. ran into an ex, made some cookies, and went to the hill where Nick may or may not have lost his virginity. Weirdly, I think this is a perfect first date. Getting to know someone is easier when you get to know their past. Danielle got to do some of that and then also got to make some great memories with him as they danced to Chris Lane in one of the most beautiful theaters in Milwaukee. After a group date rose last week and a rose in Milwaukee, Danielle L. is clearly emerging as a frontrunner.

The group date was truly wonderful and bizarre. Sure, Nick isn’t a dairy farmer and this will not be a big part of his life, but there’s something to be said for rolling up your sleeves and just digging in, so to speak. Corinne, in her usual fashion, found a way to stand out. The women’s frustration with Corinne definitely started to boil over, but Corinne took a step in the right direction in trying to find some middle ground with the women that night. Some of the women seemed to feel like some of the “crap” they had shoveled that day had followed them into the night, but it seems like the tension between Corinne and the other women is taking a backseat to the brewing tension between Corinne and Taylor.

Before we get to the fight heard ’round the world, Raven was the lucky woman to get the second one on one date of the week. It was a pretty special one. We first met Bella, Nick’s sister, on his hometown date a few years ago. She’s all grown up and taking her soccer seriously. Honestly, this was a high-pressure date for Raven. Meeting the parents and meeting the sister is a big deal, but she handled herself with poise and grace. And she maintained that grace and poise as they glided around the Milwaukee Art Museum. I can’t believe they let them do that! Milwaukee really opened its doors to The Bachelor, and we really appreciate it.

The cocktail party the next night was set to be tense, as there are fewer and fewer women, but no one could have predicted what that night would bring. Corinne, hearing the rumblings around the house, decided to confront Taylor, and, well, we only saw the very beginning of it. Lines in the house are being drawn. Are you Team Taylor or Team Corinne? Let me know, and we’ll talk about it next week when The Bachelor continues.

The Bachelor airs Mondays on ABC at 8 p.m.